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The bonds between pet and human have been more in focus lately. In the veterinary world it is called the human-animal bond. Much attention is being paid to this connection. After their pets have died, people are examining the options for the disposal of their furry loved ones. In the past people didn’t want to know and didn’t ask what happened to their deceased four/two footed friends. People now want to know exactly what choices are available to them. Some suggestions for the remains of a pet are:

CREMATION: Cremation is the new popular choice for pet owners. It is important to note that cremation is an irreversible process. The body of the pet is exposed to intense heat for a period of time and then the remaining fragments are processed and put in a container. There are few different cremation choices for families to make.

·          Group Cremation: If you would like your animal cremated but are concerned about costs then a group cremation might be the best solution. With a group cremation multiple pets are cremated at once. Depending on the size and the weight of the animal this number could vary from time to time. Generally, pet owners do not receive any remains back.

·          Partial Cremation: This is the option where multiple pets can be cremated at once but they are separated by metal containers. This way the cost is shared by three or four families but their pet’s remains stay separate in the individual containers. Each family receives their pet’s remains back – they are not mixed.

·          Individual Cremation: You can have the choice to have just your pet cremated. This ensures that their pet’s remains stay “pure”.  You know with 100% certainty that the remains you receive belongs to your pet. This option costs more but for many people the peace of mind is worth it.


BURIAL: Just like cremation there are a few options for burial of a pet. Local laws should to be checked to see if there are any prohibitions on burial of pet remains. Many states do not have laws for pets as they do for humans but it is good to check.

·          Mass burial: Some towns have places in the local cemetery for a mass burial of animals. Humane shelters can at times provide this service.  With this option the pet owner knows that his or her pet is not in a landfill but a place reserved for honoring the deceased. This option is usually not very expensive.

·          Pet Cemetery: There are new pet cemeteries opening across the United States. These cemeteries are just for pets. Check with the cemetery before you bring your pet for burial. Some of them have size requirements or only take certain animals. Before you bury your pet at a pet cemetery you should check to see how long they have been in business, whether the land is in trust or can it be used for future development and how it will be maintained. There are costs involved also for this option. People who move frequently might consider this option because they can always go visit their pet’s gravesite.

·          Home Burial: Home burial is still a popular option. Some states or towns prohibit home burial. Check with your local government before making this choice. Make sure to bury your pet away from power lines, sewer or any other hidden underground wires. Also be aware of ground that might become unsettled due to flooding. You want to make sure your pet will stay where they are buried. When you bury your pet it is suggested you put them in a sealable container such as a pet casket or a bag that can be sealed shut.

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